Image for Ecological Advisory Panel

Ecological Advisory Panel

Policy, Justice, Governance

The Ecological Advisory Panel is a sub-committee of the Environmental Sustainability Strategy Committee providing strategic oversight of the University’s commitment to biodiversity and ecosystems.


The organisational arrangements are as follows:

  • The panel is chaired by a member of the Environmental Sustainability Strategy Committee.
  • The panel reports to the Environmental Sustainability Strategy Committee.
  • The secretary of the panel is a member of the Environment and Energy section of Estate Management.
  • The panel meets at least three times per year.
  • The unconfirmed minutes of the meetings will be circulated to the Environmental Sustainability Strategy Committee and the Transport Working Group.
  • Each nominated representative will serve for a period of three years. There is no limit to how many terms a member may serve.
  • The panel may invite non-members to attend a meeting to report on or discuss specific matters.


The EAP consists of the following members:

  • A member of the Environmental Sustainability Strategy Committee (Chair)
  • Up to four University members with expertise in biodiversity and ecosystems
  • Up to two external members with expertise in biodiversity and ecosystems, who are likely to be members of the Cambridge Conservation Forum/Cambridge Conservation Initiative
  • Up to one student representative who is on a relevant course or a member of a relevant student society.
  • Members are proposed by the Chair in discussion with existing members, to be confirmed by the ESSC.

Officers in attendance:

  • Head of Sustainability
  • Rural Surveyor
  • Secretary

The terms of reference are to:

  • provide strategic oversight of the University’s commitment to biodiversity and ecosystems embodied in its Environmental Sustainability Policy and Strategy
  • oversee the development, implementation and periodic review of the University’s Biodiversity Action Plan
  • monitor and evaluate progress in conserving and enhancing biodiversity on the University estate including progress with implementing the Biodiversity Action Plan and
  • review any significant changes to the baseline assessment make recommendations in relation to resource requirements for the implementation of the Biodiversity Action Plan and other biodiversity interventions provide advice to relevant University Committees and groups on biodiversity matters
  • undertake horizon scanning, identifying opportunities to work in partnership, and/or engage the University and wider community in the importance of conserving and enhancing biodiversity
  • act as ambassadors for biodiversity matters at the University.
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