Image for Cambridge Young Greens

Cambridge Young Greens

Community, Resilience, Development

Young Greens are the youth and student branch of the Green Party, standing for a just and sustainable future.

Cambridge Young Greens is the youth and student branch of Cambridge Green Party. We organise and empower young people and the wider student-movement to make radical change happen, inside and outside of the Green Party.

The Green Party is far from being just an 'environment' party. We stand for climate and social justice, worker's rights, free and fair education, radical democracy and freedom from oppression. We're proud to support a universal basic income, proportional representation, full rights for trans and nonbinary people, abolition of university tution fees and a comprihensive Green New Deal.

Cambridge Young Greens have had a leading role in getting Green Counillors elected to the City Council and organise regular social events, talks and campaigning. There's already a great set of events planned for next year, so there's never been a better time to join!

We're always looking to welcome new members and activists, so if you want to get involved with hands-on social and climate justice activism let us know at our website and subscribe to our mailing list!

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